Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What should CRIF INDIA MSME Rank be used for?

    CRIF INDIA MSME Rank is a comprehensive MSME Rank that expands your ability to evaluate and acquire potential borrowers and monitor existing borrowers.

    CRIF INDIA MSME Rank could be used for evaluating credit profile of incoming loan applications from MSMEs by checking their Rank and Commercial Risk Score, and also tracking and predicting the existing MSME borrowers’ performance.

  2. Who can use CRIF INDIA MSME Rank

    CRIF INDIA MSME Rank can be used by Banking and Financial institutions across the MSME customer lifecycle from underwriting to portfolio management and early warning systems. It can also be used by Government bodies, Development Financial Institutions, Rating Agencies and Consulting Firms for enhancing MSME Lending insights and decisions.

    Within BFSI organizations, CRIF INDIA MSME Rank could be a tool for Business Development, Customer Acquisition, Strategy, Product Development, and Analytics Functions for identifying new MSME Lending opportunities, developing customized MSME offerings, and driving new customer acquisitions. It could also be used by Risk and Policy management teams to define and optimize the investment policies and Risk Exposure processes for MSME Lending.

    For Government bodies and initiatives, CRIF INDIA MSME Rank serves as a tool to understand India’s MSME Credit landscape and behaviour, which can enable them to take robust policy and framework decisions and drive their mission to grow MSME Credit in India. Consulting organizations could also recommend CRIF INDIA MSME Rank to their BFSI clientele for leveraging MSME Lending opportunities.

  3. What are the key differentiators of CRIF INDIA MSME Rank that make it the most trusted Credit assessment tool for MSMEs?

    • CRIF INDIA MSME Rank has 4 key differentiators
    • 13 Ranks for precise Risk Differentiation
    • Commercial Risk Score within each Rank to provide further granularity for superior risk assessment
    • Robust decision system based on pillars like repayment behaviour, delinquecy credit limit utilization, credit acceleration, credit vintage, and proportion of payment irregularities
    • Observation Window of 36 Months of Credit History and Performance Window of 12 Months for enabling predictive intelligence and risk minimization